As the launch of Session Token nears, a Testnet Incentive Program is now running to ensure a successful migration to the new Session Network.

Session messenger is a live product with a high number of users, and this testnet phase will be vital in identifying and eliminating any issues prior to the network transition. This program is designed to reward active community participation as they battle-test the new Session network ahead of its mainnet launch.

To ensure a meaningful and productive testnet phase, a multi-stage incentive program will be conducted.

By participating in the Testnet Incentive Program, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Who has access to the Session testnet? 🔓

Starting on July 16, pre-existing community members have had exclusive early access to testnet Session Tokens. This approach aims to gather feedback from those who are already familiar with the Session ecosystem.

Members of the Session Token Discord, the Oxen Project Telegram Group (@Oxen_Community) and/or the Oxen Service Nodes Telegram Group (@Oxen_ServiceNodes) as of the snapshot date of June 12, 2024, are eligible for participation in this first phase. All addresses registered for the Oxen Service Node Bonus Program are also eligible for early access to testnet Session Tokens.

Connect to Discord or Telegram on the Session Testnet Faucet, and then connect your wallet or enter your wallet address manually. If eligible, you can claim test SESH, which will be sent to your wallet address.

What are single and multicontributor nodes? 👥

Testnet operators can choose to run either single contributor or multicontributor nodes. A single contributor node is one where the node operator provides the full stake. A multicontributor node, on the other hand, is one where the node operator provides a partial stake, and other stakers contribute to jointly provide the full stake. In the case of multicontributor nodes, operators can set an operator fee on their multicontributor nodes, which is collected in test SESH. This helps to cover operating costs of running a node. For example, if the operator sets a 10% operator fee, they will earn 10% of the test SESH that would have been distributed to contributors. This mirrors how node operator fees will work on mainnet.

What are testnet points? ⭐

Points are different to test SESH tokens. The Session Testnet points system is designed to encourage active participation by node operators and contributors during the testnet. Points are calculated daily per node, similar to the Oxen Service Node Bonus Program. Every day your node is active and contributing to the network, you earn a set amount of points. From the beginning of testnet, this was 1000 points per node per day. From March 11, 2025, points were reduced to 600 per node per day. These points will determine your eventual share of Session Tokens based on participation.

In the case of single contributor nodes, 100% of the points earned by the node are awarded to the operator. In the case of multicontributor nodes, contributors also earn points based on their percentage of test SESH contributed to the full stake, after taking the multicontributor operator point bonus into account.

The points system has been running since the beginning of testnet, with points accumulation commencing on July 20, 2024, at 00:00 UTC. On November 1, 2024, a two-node points cap was removed, starting from the hourly snapshot at block 5725 (06:00 UTC). Previously, points were capped at the equivalent of two full nodes (40,000 tokens), so any stakes above this amount—such as 100,000 tokens across multiple nodes—earned points as if only 40,000 were staked. With the removal of this points cap, operators now earn points in direct proportion to their total staked amount, allowing larger stakes across multiple nodes to accumulate points without restriction.

Following feedback from participants, a retroactive points distribution was conducted to reward testnet stakers who staked more than two nodes during the testnet's more challenging early stage while the points cap was in place.

You can track your points and leading wallets on testnet on the Leaderboard.

What is the multicontributor operator point bonus? 🎁

Operators of multicontributor nodes receive a fixed 20% point bonus. This means that operators receive a 20% share of all points awarded to the node first, then the remaining 80% is split among all participants (including the operator) based on their stake. The multicontributor operator bonus is intended to encourage the operation and testing of multicontributor nodes on testnet.

For example: an operator sets up a testnet node with a staking requirement of 20,000 test SESH, contributing 10,000 test SESH themselves while contributors supply the remaining 10,000 test SESH. The node earns 1000 points per day, and the operator first receives 200 points (20% of total). The remaining 800 points are then split according to stake amount - since the operator has 50% stake, they receive an additional 400 points (50% of 800), for a total of 600 points. The other contributors share the remaining 400 points proportional to their stake. The multicontributor operator point bonus is different to the multicontributor operator fee.

How do I set up a testnet node? 📋

To set up your testnet Session Node (single contributor or multicontributor) please follow the guide provided in the Session Token Documentation.

Be warned! The first phase of the testnet will present significant challenges to participants and a higher technical barrier to entry. Running a Session testnet node during this phase will be more demanding than operating an Oxen Service Node, with a higher likelihood of deregistration due to rapid updates and changes by developers. It will be crucial to stay informed and follow updates closely in the Session Token Community on Discord.

If you have any issues setting up your node, understanding the docs, or would like more support, please post in the ⁠Testnet Help Forum in the Session Token Community on Discord to access support.

Can I participate in testnet without running a node? 👤

Yes! By staking test SESH to multicontributor nodes, you can participate in the Testnet Incentive Program and earn points without needing to run a node yourself. Here's a step-by-step guide. A referral program is currently running to allow testnet node operators to invite friends to stake to multicontributor nodes. Learn more here.

What is the Testnet Referral Program? 🤝

The Testnet Referral Program encourages current testnet participants and community members to invite others to join the Session testnet. By introducing individuals who share Session’s values of decentralisation, privacy, and security, the program aims to organically grow the network with participants genuinely invested in the project’s long-term success. Learn more here.

Will the testnet be opened to the public?⏳

Based on the insights gained from the first two stages, the testnet may be opened to the public in a final phase. This broader access will aim to gather comprehensive feedback and ensure the network is robust and ready for the TGE. However, if sufficient feedback and battle-testing are achieved during the first two phases, a public phase will not be conducted.

Public access and access to the testnet through quest platforms has been limited for the testnet launch to avoid attracting users who may not be genuinely interested in Session's success. Instead, this program aims to engage participants willing to provide valuable feedback and provide meaningful contributions, maintaining the integrity and quality of the testing process.

How will testnet participants be rewarded? 🏅

Session Tokens will be awarded based on your active participation in our testnet activities. This program, powered by the Ecosystem and Community Fund, marks an important step in the journey to build a thriving community around. All rewards will be drawn from this fund and distributed at the Token Generation Event (TGE). The allocation of Session Tokens towards the Testnet Incentive Program has not yet been determined, as the program is still running. The sustainable growth of the Session ecosystem is vital, and while the rewards are designed to be meaningful, they will also be calibrated to ensure the longevity of the fund. Read more about the Genesis Tokenomics here.

What are the current testnet contract addresses?

Please note that the below addresses are subject to change throughout the testnet program.

Testnet Session Token (test SESH) Contract:

Testnet Node Rewards Contract:

Reward Rate Pool Contract:

Node Contribution Factory Contract: