Following our MASSIVE cross-platform point release last month which tightened the nuts and bolts of Session’s Android, iOS, and Desktop clients, we have gone back to back with a follow-up Android point release. Version 1.18.3 has reduced crashes and ANRs (App Not Responding) by 35-40% 😤

Pretty cool, right? Well hold on to your antennae, Android users, because version 1.18.4 is already making progress. I’m told that it will address some more common crashes and ANRs, making the app more stable and reliable than ever.
Bots get a lot of bad press these days, but I for one welcome our new robot overlords. The SOGS (Session Open Group Server) team has been working on the MVP of a bot which will give the operators of Session Communities a bunch of new management tools including custom welcome messages, better message filters, auto-reply functionality, and more.
This is just the first use case that we are exploring for this bot, and in the future it will likely have even broader functionality. We expect to be able to start testing the bot internally next week, so get with the times and become a bot-head like me because they’re here to stay and you will be seeing them in Session very soon.
Following on from the audit of our rewards contract in March, we are now having all of our contracts audited. Once this process is complete, we will have well and truly entered the final phase before the network migration begins. Keep an eye out for the full audit report on our Twitter and Discord, which will be shared very soon.
In the meantime, the Core team have been focussing their energy on all of the smaller but equally important tasks that need to be finalised for the migration. The team is particularly focussed on the underlying structure of the migration and mapping out the specifics of the necessary Service Node software upgrades which will facilitate it.
If you’re a Service Node operator, everything you need to know about what to do and when to do it will be coming your way very soon.
Radical! Our overhaul for Session’s onboarding flow has reached a milestone this month. The Desktop and Android teams have both reached the code review stage. My confidential sources on the dev team tell me things are going well and that we expect this review process to be short and sweet.
Once this happens, Onboarding v2 can move into QA for testing, after which it will be deployed and massively improve the experience for new users, leading to much better retention!
The sleeping giant of our ecosystem. The sunstone that, when integrated, will take Session from Charmeleon to holographic Charizard with faster networking and world-first messaging app features. I am of course talking about Lokinet.
Lokinet is currently being progressed across three categories of capability:
- Full client <-> Full client
- Full client <-> Embedded client
- Embedded client <-> Embedded client
Currently, the MVP for full client <-> full client is being finalised, which means it will soon be deployed on testnet!
The marketing team has regrettably ceded more territory in the office as we welcomed three new devs, which, for those paying attention, is the second month in a row that new devs have joined the team. Personally, I am outraged about this, and am in the process of lobbying management for an intern to try and balance things out a bit.
In all seriousness, we are super excited to have three new Session superstars on the team. We now have backup for QA — forming a fearsome twosome that’ll now be 360 no-scoping bugs together from dusk till dawn. They’re joined by a new senior Android dev, and freshest of them all is our new Android lead — ready to steer the Android team to victory as we scale from one million users to ten million and beyond.
Do you keep up with the news? If you’re a CoinTelegraph reader, you may have noticed a familiar face in not one but two recently published columns: our own Alexander Linton, wordsmith superstar.
These were not sponsored articles. Our friends at Nordcomms pitched to the editor, and they resonated so strongly with our narrative that they asked us to weigh in on privacy tech twice.
We are no strangers to thought leadership. Session has long been an authoritative voice in the privacy tech space — when we have something to say, the privacy community tends to listen. As we turn our attention to rebuilding and scaling up our incentive layer with Session Token, the same can be expected in the crypto space.
Including syndication in other major platforms like TradingView and CoinMarketCap, we have reached over 1.25 million people purely through earned media this month.

Do you have questions? Do you ask them frequently? Then you might want to sit down because what I’m about to tell you might shock and delight you beyond your wildest dreams — the Session Token FAQ page is now live on our website.
It has not been added to our navigation bar yet, so you, dear reader, are among the only people who can access it right now. Make a cup of tea, put on some slippers, and dive into it here. If you have any feedback or follow-up questions, the team will be eagerly awaiting them on Discord.
If you’ve been a fan of the project for a while, you probably already know that Session is extremely well established in the online privacy community thanks to our sharp commentary and valuable insights into the nature of the human psyche.
That trend continued this month with both session_app and session_token gaining serious traction in their respective corners of social media. The session_app account achieved over 500,000 impressions and 20,000 engagements, with nearly 2,500 net new followers. All GMO free and organically grown, baby.
The new kid on the block, session_token, saw 5k organic views on a single post. To see a result like that this early shows definitively that we are moving in the right direction.